Ensure the audio is labeled, the user can control playback, and there are alternatives for users who cannot hear the audio or need more time to process the information.
Include a label that describes the audio. [[WCAG-1.1.1]]
Enable the
element's native controls by default. [[WCAG-2.1.1]] -
Include a transcript. [[WCAG-1.2.1]]
Ensure users can disable any audio that starts automatically or turn off its volume. [[WCAG-1.4.2]]
Ensure that any recording of speech has low or no background noise. [[WCAG-1.4.7]]
Setting the controls
attribute enables the native HTML controls by default.
<audio … controls="controls"/>
The aria-label
attribute identifies the subject of audio clip.
<audio … aria-label="Moon landing"/>
A link to a transcript is provided after the audio clip.
<audio src="audio/01.mp3"
aria-label="Truman's fair deal"/>
<a href="transcript01.html">Read the transcript</a>
A user agent will only render the content inside the audio
element if it does not
support the element. The user agent does not display this content if it does not support the
provided audio formats (the user agent will display its own error message in such cases).
aria-label="Churchill's 'We Shall Never Surrender' speech">
<div class="err">
Sorry, it appears your system does not support audio playback.
When including audio clips, ensure that the native user agent controls are enabled by default (i.e.,
by setting the controls
attribute on the audio
element). This practice
ensures that the controls are accessible even if scripting is not available. If you define your own
custom controls, disable the native controls by JavaScript so they remain available in user agent
that do not support scripting.
Providing a label for audio clips ensures that users can understand the purpose of the audio before choosing whether to listen to it. Users with high bandwidth costs, for example, can save both time and money by not having to download clips they are not interested in.
In terms of providing alternatives, WCAG requires "media alternatives" for audio content. These are like transcripts but cannot be only a simple listing of the spoken dialogue. The alternative must also describe any important non-verbal sounds.
Although the audio
element allows child content for fallback purposes, such content is
not intended to serve as an accessible alternative. The user agent only makes this content
available to the user if it does not support the audio
element (e.g., in EPUB 2 user
It is also important to consider that users need to be able to hear the audio produced by their assistive technologies (e.g., a screen reader). Playing audio automatically interferes with their ability to hear the text, for example, so unless the audio clip only plays for three seconds or less, the user must be able to disable playback or mute the volume without also muting their assistive technology (i.e., the system audio control is not sufficient to meet this requirement as it will raise and lower all audio in synchronicity).
Related Links
- MDN — <audio>: The Embed Audio element
- HTML — The
element - HTML — The