
A closing statement from the author or a person of importance, typically providing insight into how the content came to be written, its significance, or related events that have transpired since its timeline.


Example 1 — Afterword with a heading

The label is identified in the aria-labelledby attribute.

<section role="doc-afterword" aria-labelledby="aft-hd">
   <h2 id="aft-hd">Afterword by I.M. Faymus</h2>

Relation to ARIA

doc-afterword is a landmark role.


doc-afterword is typically used on section elements.

A label must be provided for the role using one of the aria-labelledby, aria-label or title attributes.

For a simplified list of all the elements the role is allowed on, refer to the mapping table in the EPUB Type to ARIA Role Authoring Guide. For the official list of allowed elements, refer to ARIA in HTML.

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