
One of a collection of notes that occur at the end of a work, or a section within it, that provides additional context to a referenced passage of text.


Example 1 — Bibliography list using native HTML elements

This example uses an ol list element to express the list.

<section role="doc-bibliography" aria-labelledby="bib-hd">
   <h2 id="bib-hd">Select Bibliography</h2>
      <li>Doe, John. Anonymous People through History. …</li>
Example 2 — Bibliography list using ARIA roles

This example defines a list using the ARIA list and listitem roles.

<section role="doc-bibliography" aria-labelledby="bib-hd">
   <h2 id="bib-hd">Select Bibliography</h2>
   <div role="list">
      <div role="listitem">
         Doe, John. Anonymous People through History. …

Relation to ARIA

doc-biblioentry inherits its semantics from the listitem role.


Explicit use of the doc-biblioentry role is deprecated. The role is not compatible with changes to ARIA's inheritance model (i.e., list must only contain listitem roles) and has to be changed in a future version.

The list item children of lists within a section that has the doc-bibliography role are now automatically assumed to be bibliogrpahy entries.

If an bibliography does not use a list to represent its entries, the core list and listitem roles should be used instead. (See Example 2).

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