
A collection of credits.


Example 1 — Credit section with a heading

The label is identified in the aria-labelledby attribute.

<section role="doc-credits" aria-labelledby="cred-hd">
   <h2 id="cred-hd">Image Permissions</h2>
   <p>Page 18 — Photograph of …</p>

Relation to ARIA

doc-credits is a landmark role.


doc-credits is typically used on section elements. It is not recommended to identify each individual credit within a section of credits, as users will already be aware of the purpose of the section.

A label must be provided for the role using one of the aria-labelledby, aria-label or title attributes.

For a simplified list of all the elements the role is allowed on, refer to the mapping table in the EPUB Type to ARIA Role Authoring Guide. For the official list of allowed elements, refer to ARIA in HTML.

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