
Version: WCAG 2.1 and up
Number: 2.3.3
Level: AAA
  • CSS Animations
  • Page Transitions

Motion animation triggered by interaction can be disabled, unless the animation is essential to the functionality or the information being conveyed.



The purpose of this success criterion is to prevent adverse effects in readers with vestibular disorders.

How to Meet

The use of non-essential motion animation is not common in digital publications, as this success criterion primarily targets page transition and scrolling animations on the web.

If authors find support for parallax scrolling or page transitions, however, they will need to ensure there is a way for readers to disable these features.

Authors are not responsible for page flipping animations introduced by reading systems.

Additional Information

The knowledge base does not currently include information on motion animation due to the lack of implementation in publishing formats. Refer to the WCAG guidance documents for additional information.