
A link that allows the user to return to a related location in the content (e.g., from a footnote to its reference or from a glossary definition to where a term is used).


Example 1 — Backlink to a note's reference
<p role="doc-endnote">
   1. The first of three instances is the last to end up in …
   <a href="s01.html#fnref-01" role="doc-backlink">[note 1 reference]</a>

Relation to ARIA

doc-baclink inherits its semantics from the a link role.


doc-backlink is typically used on a elements.

For a simplified list of all the elements the role is allowed on, refer to the mapping table in the EPUB Type to ARIA Role Authoring Guide. For the official list of allowed elements, refer to ARIA in HTML.

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