
An image that sets the mood or tone for the work and typically includes the title and author.


Example 1 — Cover image
<img role="doc-cover" class="cover-img" src="cover.jpg" alt="…"/>

Relation to ARIA

doc-cover inherits its semantics from the a img role.


doc-cover is typically used on the img element, as it identifies an image. It is not appropriate to use it on container elements (e.g., section or div) to group all of the content of a cover page.

The cover for a publication is not normally needed in the document landmarks, but can be added, if necessary, using the ARIA region role.

<section role="region" aria-label="Cover">
   <img role="doc-cover" class="cover-img" src="cover.jpg" alt="…"/>

For a simplified list of all the elements the role is allowed on, refer to the mapping table in the EPUB Type to ARIA Role Authoring Guide. For the official list of allowed elements, refer to ARIA in HTML.

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