
Version: WCAG 2.2 and up
Number: 3.2.6
Level: A
  • Contact Info

For each web page within a set of web pages that provides one or more of the following ways of finding help, access to at least one form of help is included in the same relative order on each page:

  • Human contact details;
  • Human contact mechanism;
  • Self-help option;
  • A fully automated contact mechanism.
Techniques: Techniques are not yet available for WCAG 2.2 success criteria.


The purpose of this success criterion is to ensure that users can find a help mechanism in the same place on each page when one is available.

How to Meet

This success criterion is rarely applicable to digital publications because if contact information is provided for users to obtain help with a publication, it is not typically repeated across documents.

Note that this success criterion does not apply to content-level help mechanisms, such as how to fill in forms, use interactive games, etc.

Additional Information

The knowledge base does not currently include information on implementing consistent help mechanisms due to the lack of implementation in publishing formats. Refer to the WCAG guidance documents for additional information.