
Version: WCAG 2.0 and up
Number: 2.1.2
Level: A
  • Custom Controls
  • Interactive Content
  • Modal Dialogs

If keyboard focus can be moved to a component of the page using a keyboard interface, then focus can be moved away from that component using only a keyboard interface, and, if it requires more than unmodified arrow or tab keys or other standard exit methods, the user is advised of the method for moving focus away.



The purpose of this success criterion is to ensure that keyboard users do become trapped by the content taking away their ability to change the focus to another element.

How to Meet

The most likely cause of keyboard traps in digital publications are embedded games, interactive tools and tests, modal dialogs, and similar scripted interfaces.

When including this kind of content, authors need to ensure that the functionality of the interface does not prevent the user from being able to tab out to continue reading.

Additional Information

The following knowledge base pages provide more information about how to address this success criterion for publishing content: